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Aug. 9, 2023

How Do I Find My Dream Job with Adam Hardt

I'm thrilled to share with you the latest episode of our podcast, where I had the pleasure of hosting Adam, a life coach with an inspiring journey. This episode is a treasure trove of insights about finding purpose and the transformative power of passion.

The Corporate Conundrum: Adam spent 13 years in the corporate world, feeling unfulfilled and lacking passion. His experience is a stark reminder that success isn't always synonymous with fulfillment.

The Dark Days: Adam's struggle with anxiety and bad habits, born out of a lack of purpose, is a story many of us can relate to. It's a wake-up call to recognize when we're merely surviving, not thriving.

The Leap of Faith: Adam's decision to become a life coach wasn't an easy one. He faced doubts and fears, but his passion for psychology and helping others led him to take the leap. His journey is a testament to the power of following your heart, even when the path isn't clear.

The Transformation: Adam's transformation from feeling like a fraud to becoming a successful life coach is nothing short of inspiring. His story emphasizes the importance of investing in oneself and seeking guidance from the right mentors.

The Power of Purpose: Adam's work revolves around helping individuals rediscover their sense of purpose and align their careers with their true selves. His approach is a beacon of hope for anyone feeling drained and disconnected in their current job.

Breaking Free: Adam's role as a coach is to help people break free from limiting beliefs and societal conditioning. His work is a reminder that we all have unique strengths and superpowers waiting to be unleashed.

The Ideal Client: Adam loves working with open-minded individuals ready to step out of their comfort zones. It's a call to action for all of us to be brave, embrace change, and chase our dreams.

This episode is a must-listen for anyone feeling stuck, unfulfilled, or unsure of their path. Tune in to hear Adam's incredible journey and learn how you too can find your purpose and ignite your passion.

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Josh (00:00:02) - Good day, fellas. Welcome to Uncensored Advice for men, man. I'm back in the studio having some fun and having a conversation with this guy named Adam. And he's going to talk to us about purpose and the value of it and the the meaning behind it and why it's so vital for us dudes to have it. Adam, welcome to the show. Yeah, thank you. Josh Excited to be here. Yeah, man. So I kind of let the cat out of the bag. We're going to talk about passion. Adam Like, why is that so vital for you? Like, give us the, give us a story on on passion and how you came to kind of grasp your teeth into it. Yeah, well, you know, it comes from having spent 13 years in the corporate world where I had very little passion at times. I had I had some you know, I had some moments when I was working for a startup company in San Francisco selling this cutting edge software, this mobile app.

Josh (00:01:02) - That was exciting, but it burnt me out so badly and the rest of the time I just I didn't really have much energy or enthusiasm. And so my life was just pretty flat, you know, I didn't really feel like I was doing what I was supposed to be doing here in this life. And, you know, it just causes a lot of problems. Yeah. What kind of problems? You said my life was flat. Now I can imagine what that looks like because I've been through some flats, but I've also been through some major dips. What does a flat like? Lacking purpose, Lacking mission? What does that. How does that show up for a dude? Well, it shows up as a lack of fulfillment, you know, and it shows up as as anxiety. Things just feel off in your life. So I would wake up in the morning and I would just dread getting out of bed. I have nothing to look forward to except for a really terrible commute to this office with, you know, a manager that I didn't really like.

Josh (00:02:04) - And the work itself was just mind numbing at times. I mean. Some of the the jobs that I had just they they did absolutely nothing for me. So like, like most people, I was just counting the time until I could go home. I try to sneak out early, you know, And I just look forward to the weekend. And then I just, you know, try to cut loose and let off some steam and build up some bad habits in the process. And, you know, that's what happens when life isn't exactly doing it for you. Yeah, I'm a bad habit builder myself, especially when, you know, like if I'm in the grind of life, like knocking on doors or or working just to pay the bills or whatever. And it's like that. I get myself into a rut. I develop bad habits. I'm in the middle of July and I'm going dry July because one of my bad habits that I picked up was, man, I have a tough day at the office.

Josh (00:03:02) - Go home, crack a beer, crack a drink, you know, pour poor something over ice. And it became a habit. What kind of bad habits did you pick up along the way? Yeah, definitely was using a lot of different substances to kind of mask the pain of this existence that just really, you know, there was no internal joy, there was just anxiety, dread and and a little bit of grief. So. Yeah, you know, it was pretty common for me to get home from a stressful day at work. My most recent corporate career was in sales and yeah, it'd be a glass or two of wine or a glass of scotch and I'd, you know, turn on Netflix and, you know, binge watch whatever show would take my mind off things and, and whatever, you know, nicotine of the choice that during that time whether that was cigarettes or I was using snooze for a period I was doing the jewel for a while, you know, whatever I could do to just get myself into a nice little buzz.

Josh (00:04:10) - And that was my happiness, you know, during this meaningless existence, my happiness was that period of time where I was in that sweet spot of alcohol, nicotine and whatever. And I'm feeling okay, except, you know, it's really more just masking what was was there for sure a meaningless existence, right? Like, so here you are, man. You're young, dude. You're crushing it with startups and corporate world, but you felt like you were in a meaningless existence. Flat flatline, right? Like. Like, what did the darkest day look like for you? Like if you could take us back to there because I know there's some dudes in the audience that are going, Oh man, I don't have it that bad. Or maybe there's a guy who's like, I can't wait to get out of this freaking job or or to even find my passion. But we got to know what does darkness look like? Sure. Well, you know, the straw that broke the camel's back was my most recent job in the corporate world.

Josh (00:05:14) - This was, you know, five, six years ago where the stress and the pressure was so intense because this job was just impossible. It's really impossible to hit hit your quota. And at the same time, it was work that I just really didn't want to be doing. So I ended up developing some health problems as a result, physical pain in both forearms that was so intense that I couldn't mouse or type. So this happens a lot too, when people are that far out of whack. And the only thing that would relieve the the pain was my Xanax prescription, which was already using for the purpose of this terrible anxiety. So I started to use the Xanax a little bit too much, and it got into this thing where eventually, once I got off of it, it was these terrible withdrawals. But during the time it was like the only way for me to get through the day. Yeah, no, I get it, man. It's when you look at the clock and you're like, Man, it feels like I've been at this all day trying to figure shit out.

Josh (00:06:20) - And then you look at the clock and it's like 8 a.m. You're like, What? You know, like, I still have another good 12 hours of life to try to fit into this crap. Now, I like to ask some of my guests this question is I have this internal alarm clock when I'm stressed out, when I'm worried about money or business or or family or whatever the case may be. I have like, I wake up on the dot, it's like 330. I could wake up and I go, I bet it's 330. And I look at my clock. It's like really damn close. Do you have one of those things? Is there a specific time that you wake up when you're super stressed? Yeah. I mean, back in those days it was not uncommon for me to wake up in the middle of the night and it would be, I don't know, three, 4 a.m. and I'd realize. My whole day is shot, you know? Um, so. So, yeah, it it was tough, you know, because when you're your physical health is not so good.

Josh (00:07:16) - When you sleep is not so good, Um, it just compounds. So that whole period was the reason why I got into coaching. It's the reason why I decided to help people in their careers specifically because I know what that darkness is like. And I talked to people every day who are in some level of darkness themselves, and it's very meaningful for me to be able to to be there for them and be there and be in their corner, because I know what that feels like and it's a terrible feeling. And sometimes you feel like there's no way out when there actually is. What was your way out? Well, my way out was realizing that for 13 years I wasn't honest with myself. You know, for 13 years I was trying to. Make money. I was trying to get a, you know, a good career in quotation marks here. But I was. I was lying to myself. I abandoned myself. Is something I later discovered because I always knew who I was. I always knew what I wanted to do.

Josh (00:08:34) - I just didn't yet believe in myself. I didn't believe in the possibility of being a coach because I knew I wanted to do this work. Ever since I graduated from college, I just didn't have the confidence. So later, much, much later, I realized I can't keep cheating myself like this or else it's going to kill me. And at this point in my life, like I had nothing to lose. I didn't have much of a life to speak of, very unhappy. And I was ready to just throw up a Hail Mary, You know, I was I reached the point in life where I was okay with failure. You know, I was already experiencing failure, so I might as well throw something up and see if somebody catches in the end zone. It was desperation, added desperation. Sometimes comes some amazing things. All right, so you're reaching the end of your rope. You're like, this is a meaningless existence. This is bullshit. Like, this sucks showing up, and it's like, I could.

Josh (00:09:35) - I could smoke it. I could, you know, take one of these pills and, you know, wake up and tomorrow and do it again. I could drink or I could do all this stuff. And you're like, Enough. Yeah, enough is enough. Is enough. Yeah. Said you did something that was kind of like a Hail Mary. What was the Hail Mary? Well, I cooked up this plan over the course of leave of absence at a medical leave of absence? Yeah. And I realized after this month, my arm condition is not getting any better. I still can't mouse or type, you know, I can't get through a full day. And realize go back to work. So I quit my job and I decided I was going to move to San Diego. More health conscious place, more sun, more relaxing environment. I needed to relax. San Francisco is too fast paced and stressful a place to work inexpensive. So without even really spending any time in San Diego, I said, Screw it, I'm going to move to San Diego and I'm going to start a coaching business not knowing the first thing about any of these things.

Josh (00:10:40) - And that's what I did. I found a way to settle my worker's comp claim that provided me with enough money in addition to liquidating my 401. K to fund the first year of my life down in San Diego, where I was scrambling to figure out how to make money as a as a coach. Yeah. So you went all in, cashed out your pension. All in? Yeah. Yeah. All right. So you're like, in high school, you said when you graduated high school, you knew you wanted to be in the coaching field. How did you know that? Right. Nobody knows what they want to do in high school, but yet. Yeah, you kind of knew. Yeah, well, it was college. And in college I was very passionate about psychology. I was a psychology undergrad. And there's something about it that really was speaking to me. You know, I felt like I was able to see through the bullshit of life and understand why people are really doing what they're doing, why the world is the way that it is.

Josh (00:11:39) - I was really curious about what motivated motivates us to do certain things and what it takes to achieve peak performance in life. How can I live the best life possible with the most success, most health, the most happiness? And sadly, at the end of four years of of college, I realized there was no conventional. Career path in psychology that was going to check those boxes. I didn't want to be a therapist, didn't want to be a psychiatrist, didn't want to become a psychology professor. They just they weren't that. But then this was back in 2001. I pulled up some web that talked about life coaches and I thought, What the hell is a life coach? That was not very common back then. And they said, This is someone who uses their mastery of psychology and personal development to help people achieve success in their lives and overcome obstacles and achieve peak performance and peak health, etcetera. And I thought, Wow, this is amazing. This is what I want to do. And then the next page or two that I read said something like, Yeah, but it's, it's like not a real job.

Josh (00:12:55) - This isn't a real career path. You can't really make money doing this. And you know, it's it's pretty back in 2001, it was pretty flimsy and. I just didn't think I'd ever be taken seriously if I decided to do that. Yeah. So you throw a Hail Mary. You say, I'm moving to San Diego. I want a more healthy environment. I want to get out of the rat race. I want to I want to go there. I'm all in, cashed in. Put all your chips on black and like, I'm going to be a life coach. What did mom or dad or friends or advisors say to you? Well, you know, this was something I tried not to tell anybody until the very last minute. So even my closer friends, it wasn't until two weeks out that I was like, Hey, by the way, I'm leaving to San Diego to become a life coach, you know, because I knew what they were going to say, right? Yeah. To say, what are you crazy? You're going to quit your corporate job that's paying you well and, you know, move to a city that you've never lived in before and a coach.

Josh (00:13:53) - How are you going to make money coaching? Yeah. Yeah, because I did hear that from a lot of people. And their their level of doubt projected on me made it that much harder because then I started to actually doubt myself. So I just try to keep it a secret. Yeah, no, that's an interesting thing because when people people are always projecting something and, you know, like I built startups and I've put it all in and in people's doubts, man, that could for someone who is finding their passion and moving forward, other people's doubts could take the the air out of your tank. It could take the gas out of the fuel or whatever type of analogy I could come up with. Yeah. All right. So you said the way to protect it. I'm all in. I have decided this is the direction to go, and I'm just going to block out people for a minute. Like I'm not I'm just not going to talk to them about this. And I'm doing it. I committed to it.

Josh (00:14:50) - So you land in San Diego life Coach, did you get a business card that says, you know, Adam Hart, life coach or something like that? I think I did. Yeah, I did, actually. At some point I got these business cards. I had a month free at a we work, so I had an office. I just got a brand new laptop. So, you know, I was in business, but I felt like a total fraud because I still didn't have the first clue about how to become a life coach. And, you know, and then it didn't make it any better. When people ask me, What do you do? I would sheepishly tell them, Oh, I'm a career coach, you know, because I didn't I didn't really think of myself as a career coach or anything yet. Yeah, I'll tell you, man. Yeah. When you're when you're in the coaching world and, and and you're going through your own struggles, it is so hard to sell this, you know, like, here I am a huge success, just like Tony Robbins.

Josh (00:15:49) - Don't you want to work for me? You know, like, work with me, line up, pay me $10,000 an hour. But when you're getting started, man, you got to go. Yeah, I'm a career coach. I'm a life coach. You know, like, I want to help people. And like, for a lot of people, that doesn't make sense until you get your first client. What does that look like for you? Until the first client, it looks like, Oh, Jesus Christ. Hope I know what I'm doing here. Yeah. Um, you know, because that's the moment of truth, and it's really the most beautiful part of the journey, if I really think about it. I've been doing this for six years. That first year was so special because it really required every ounce of my warrior spirit. You know, because the way I would think about it was like I was lying on the ground and I'm just crawling on my hands and knees to just make it through the day, make it through this whole experience.

Josh (00:16:43) - And mind you, I was still sick. I was still in a lot of pain. My my mental health was not the best. I barely had enough money to support myself. I had no friends. I was living in a weird part of downtown with, you know, not so pleasant and oh, and I'm like smoking cigarettes at this point because I'm just like, I need I need a relief. So I go out on the condo balcony. I had smoked cigarettes to just kind of deal with the nerves, But I made this commitment, you know, and. This was it. There was no turning back. Like there was no possibility of failure because failure was death. You know, not not literal death, but, like, metaphorical. My life is over kind of death. Yeah. And that's what kept me going. And little by little, one thing led to another. And I did land my first client, and lo and behold, I realized, Oh, my God. I'm really good at this.

Josh (00:17:43) - I get into a flow and I still don't know what I'm doing, but I'm just relying on my instincts that the instincts that told me that I'd be this would be a good move for me. One thing leads to another. The people I'm talking to start having these incredible breakthroughs and insights and. You know, before long, I'm kind of underway. Yeah. So how did the first client find you, and what did that look like? Are you like, I'll do anything right? Like, yeah, I'm a coach, but I'll help you with your wardrobe all the way to life, Coach. Yeah, I'll do whatever. I know that was kind of embarrassing back then because I was like, Hey, um, will you. Will you be cool with me coaching you, giving you life advice? I don't really know what I'm doing, but you don't have to pay me anything. I'll do it for free. Because. Because it was free to start. I reached out to my personal network, and, um, I found people that were just kind of, like, eager to get.

Josh (00:18:40) - Get a little help, get a little sounding board. And they're like, Yeah, sure, I'll, I'll throw you a bone. And, you know, after some successful sessions, um, somebody started to pay me, I don't know, maybe like $50 a session. And then it transitioned up from there and I was starting to make a little bit of income and feel like, okay, maybe, maybe I am actually a professional coach. Yeah, what a good feeling. So it takes a while sometimes to move the ball in a direction, especially like life coaching is, is becoming a lot more popular, I think, as mental health is becoming more, um, more open, like people are being a lot more open. So I think life coaching in general is, is becoming a lot more normal, right? Like growing up, if I would have been like, I love going to therapy, I love going to counseling, I love working with my coach, Like I love it growing up.

Josh (00:19:34) - If someone's like, Oh, you go to a coach, what are you broken? Or like a therapist? Like, Oh, you're, you know, like, get away from me. But now I think it's like now I when someone's like, Hey, I'm working with a therapist or a coach, I'm like, Good for you, dude. Like, you're working. To improve yourself. Like, awesome. Yeah, right. All right, so here you go. You start getting traction. You've been doing this for six years. When did you start to find your own flow? Like, you're like, okay, these are the kind of clients I don't want. These are the kind of clients I do, right? So I think when we get into our flow and when we start to get momentum and traction in our business, we can start saying no to things. And it's like, What do we say yes to? What did that? Has that happened to you and what did that look like? If so, yeah, well, I had this breakthrough period after I'm like a year and a half into this coaching thing.

Josh (00:20:26) - You know, I'm making money, but I'm barely eking out an existence. Um, crummy car, crummy apartment. Just got out of a really, you know, bad relationship and. And I'm like, I'm totally stuck. I'm. I'm going nowhere. Still have all the bad habits. And I'm desperate again. I'm like, I'm stuck. If I don't do something, I'm dead. And I remember this really special woman that I met at a retreat who is a business coach. She's very unconventional, but she's got some real abilities. And she was more than I can afford. But I somehow I found the money and I invested in a two month coaching program with her. And this was my window. It was like a full life business overhaul. She increased the rates of my program. She helped me structure my programs to help me believe in myself. She helped me overcome these self-limiting beliefs, and in one month, I quadrupled my income. All of a sudden I was making a fortune coaching and I was getting really good at getting into this sweet spot you were talking about.

Josh (00:21:44) - I was starting to really find my flow.

Adam (00:21:47) - Yeah, dude, now so awesome. Here's. Here's where This is what I observe. If you want to be a good coach, you have to stretch and hire the best coach you could afford. And then probably out and beyond that, like if you want to be a good coach and something, man, you've got to go try to find the best that you can do. And constantly coaches need coaches. So you got this business coach changed your world, Now you're rolling and you landed on this thing of purpose. Like, this is something that's so vital for you to work your clients through. So here we go. I'm Josh, I come to you and I go, Adam, I need help with Fill in the blank. When a guy comes to you and they say, I need help with, what are they asking help with and how do they typically find you?

Josh (00:22:40) - Yeah, well, they say that they need help with finding their career path.

Josh (00:22:47) - Finding fulfillment. Ultimately people come to me because they're not happy. You know, they see it as their career is in the in the wrong place. I see it as they're just not living in alignment with their true nature. Right. Which leads to unhappiness, which leads to these bad jobs. So really what they're looking for is they want to come back to themselves. They want to understand who they are and how they can live a life that allows them to be who they are. You know, if somebody is super creative and they're working as an accountant, they're always going to be limited. But if they figure out how to. Embrace their creativity and believe in themselves as an artist, let's say. And they get to do a new job as a graphic designer, all of a sudden their entire life changes. So I get people reaching out to me every week. They find me on Yelp. I've got a Yelp business page, and in San Diego, they find me on Google, they find my me on LinkedIn.

Josh (00:24:04) - Variety of ways for people to to find me. But one way or another, they land on my website or my Yelp page or LinkedIn page and they see that, Oh, wait a second. Here's somebody who can help me return to myself, who can help me get out of this career that feels just so wrong for me and set me on a whole new direction in life. That includes a new career. But it's really about rebooting some of these entire life from the ground up.

Adam (00:24:39) - All right. So I've been working a corporate job and I come to you and I go, Adam, Buddy referred me. I need help, man. I'm in this career and I'm grinding. I show up, I do a good job and I'm good at what I do, but, man, I just no longer enjoy it. And by the end of the day, I'm whooped and I go home. I'm not there for my wife and my kids fully because my energy zapped. I need some help. Help me.

Adam (00:25:03) - What does that look like for you to help a dude through that kind of scenario?

Josh (00:25:08) - Yeah, well, it's first understanding, you know, what happened. How did you, you know, what is your life looking like right now? What's going wrong with your career and what's missing and what have you tried so far and where are you getting stuck? And, you know, it usually looks like, hey, listen, this job is just not the right job for me and it's sucking the life out of me. And I've looked at a bunch of different job descriptions. I've tried to choose a new career, but I'm overwhelmed. I don't know which one is the right one. And I really want to know with confidence. And and then they're they're just stuck. It can't take any action because they don't know what direction to go in. But even if they did know what direction that they wanted to go in. How are they going to get great job interviews? How are they going to beat out the competition when their resume doesn't say that they've been doing that work? And then more importantly, how are they going to have success if their energy is a three out of ten? Yeah, you know, if they don't believe in themselves, if if they're in a bad mood, most of the time they're struggling with anxiety or depression, like how are you going to attract your dream job when you feel like crap, you can't do it.

Josh (00:26:25) - So so that's the other part of the work that I do with people is helping them raise their energy. And I do this by helping people regain a sense of purpose in their life, which is actually. It's like the greatest antidote to depression that I've ever found. You know, you give me somebody who is who's unhappy and depressed, and I helped him get on track to a life of passion and purpose. They don't need the anxiety and the antidepressant meds anymore. I've had many clients that started out on these medications and they end up going off. And because they feel great, they don't they don't need that anymore. Yeah, that's the power of discovering your purpose.

Adam (00:27:11) - So how do I find my purpose, man? Rick Warren wrote a book that became one of the best selling books like The Purpose Driven Life, and it was flying off the bookshelves because I think everybody was like, I think everybody feels like there's something out there for them. And it's their job. It's their life's journey to find out their fit in the universe, their purpose.

Adam (00:27:32) - Like, what was I created for? Yeah. So how do you how do you help people find that? What does that look like?

Josh (00:27:39) - Yeah, well, you know, this is that question that mystifies so many people because they think it's like this nebulous thing out there that, you know, maybe one day some tarot card reader will be able to tell them, this is your purpose. And they hold up the card. And, you know, but it's it's really not that complicated. It's actually very straightforward. You know, it's true that we all do have a purpose in life. You know, in Buddhism it's called a dharma. So this idea that we all have a Dharma that we're born with to fulfill. But all that means is that we're we're here and we're meant to fulfill a particular life path. Right. And it's not about understanding what this one word, you know, dharma term is. It's not a particular role. It's about doing what you're designed to do in this life. So how do you figure that out? Well, how are you designed? You know, all you have to do is understand.

Josh (00:28:47) - Who are you? What are you really good at? What are your top talents and abilities and skills? What are you most passionate and interested in? What is your ideal workplace environment? Once we figure that out. And it's very crystal clear. Then all we do is we just map a job or career onto that. You go out and you get that job or career and boom. Your life now has a purpose. And it's going to lead you in a direction where year after year it's going to unfold further and further and further. Until one day you realize, Oh, I see. My purpose was to create this. My purpose was to do this type of make this kind of contribution to the world so that that evolves over time. But you get your your purpose the moment you start understanding how your design got it.

Adam (00:29:44) - So the best way to figure out what to do is to figure out who you are exactly.

Josh (00:29:52) - You know, that's the only thing you have to figure out because. Well, there's one other piece, too, because what gives really purpose boils down to.

Josh (00:30:03) - Why am I living this life? You know, when you don't have an answer to the question of what's the point of this life, what am I working towards? You don't have purpose. You're you're drained. You don't have energy because. Yeah, what is the point? Why should I bother? So one exercise I take everybody through is to craft their a vision for their life, a desired future that would be inspiring to them. To have the the dream of your careers, the family excuse me, the career of your dreams. To have the family that you always wanted to live somewhere warm, to have that fishing boat, to, you know, make this much kind of money to buy a house. Like really just what's the dream scenario that you could imagine for yourself? And and then we start to work on a plan for you to achieve that, including learning how to believe that you're capable of making that dream a possibility. So another exercise that have people do is listing out their top ten life achievements, because when somebody comes to me and they're out of three out of ten, they're feeling depressed.

Josh (00:31:21) - I asked him, What are you really good at? They say, Not anything really. I call him out on that. And then I look at their top life achievements. I realize, Oh, my God, you're a fucking rock star. You know, I had this one guy. He made $1 million one year selling software. The next year. It didn't go so well. And when I asked him what he's really good at, he said, honestly, nothing, Adam. And I said, That's not true. That's not true at all. And we discovered his superpowers. This guy is an excellent communicator. He's amazing at building relationships. He's incredibly empathetic. People just trust him. Yeah. And yet you stuck in a crummy job. He wanted an amazing job. We got clear on what the amazing job looks like. And then he started to see what I was seeing. He started to see. Wait a second. I think Adam's right. I think I am a rock star sales rep.

Josh (00:32:21) - I don't think I was giving myself enough credit. And at the same time, he's just starting to feel so much better about himself. Better about life. He starts jumping on the exercise bike again. He starts finishing the man cave that he started a long time ago, starts meditating every morning. He just comes to life because he gets it. Now he can have the dream, you know he can. He can make a fortune, treat his family, you know, to nice holidays and and get that fishing boat. And that's exactly the path that he's on right now. He ended up landing an offer for his dream job. And it just it came to him, you know, he became magnetic to his desires. And that's the the X factor of the work that I do is I help people raise their energy to the point where they just become magnetic to what it is that they're saying that they really want. And then it happens.

Adam (00:33:22) - So if you could figure out what you want. So you figure out who you are.

Adam (00:33:27) - Yeah, Figure out what you want. But then you have to create the plan, the path to get it. And part of the plan is you got to raise your confidence. You got to build this energy up. You got like, if you want a ten out of ten job, you can't show up with a three out of ten energy. Right?

Josh (00:33:44) - True. Yeah.

Adam (00:33:45) - So one of the things that you do is you say, okay, let's help create a desired future for you, which is great. I'm reading a book, cyber psych, cyber psychedelics, something like that. Anyways, but they, they talk about that imagination's powerful.

Josh (00:34:00) - Yeah, for sure.

Adam (00:34:01) - So you design that and then you go, I want to know some of the things you've accomplished. If you ask me that right now. Josh, what have you accomplished in life? I would struggle writing it, and I've done some pretty cool stuff, but I would have to like intention because I don't think about that if you ask me the same question.

Adam (00:34:20) - Josh what about your failures? I could start writing them all day long. Why is that, bro?

Josh (00:34:25) - Yeah, well, you know. I think a lot of us have this negative self image. Something I'm working through myself still. You know, we grow up being told you're not good at this, you're not good at that. You know? And why? Why are you trying to believe in this or believe in that? Like, you know, stay small. You're not going to amount to much. We receive this message from all over and we internalize this belief that we we suck. We're not that good. I'm not that special. I'm not that talented. And it's complete. Lies, you know. So whenever I work with somebody, I say, you know, talk to me about how good you are. They're like, That was a really hard exercise, Adam. And it just it just goes to show that, you know, we're all kind of working on breaking free of the conditioning that that's been trying to just talk us out of our greatness.

Josh (00:35:28) - And and my job is really to just be the, the, the mirror to people to reflect their truth. Right. And to really be the myth buster of all these different lies that we've been fed. And that's all it takes. People start to believe they're the real truth over time.

Adam (00:35:51) - Yeah, super cool, man. What a great exercise like having someone walk you through. Because, I mean, I could sit here and I could probably write it out, but I just got back from a two day intensive where I was being coached and the guy was asking me questions and like, if I read that and I tried to write it versus someone asking me and walk me through that, for some reason I do much better in a response, like answering questions. So like that's such a great, good job. Adam And creating that that exercise. So let's do this. Man. As you're working through, you love helping people find their career path. You love helping people find their purpose, their mission.

Adam (00:36:33) - What kind of what kind of clients don't you like to work with?

Josh (00:36:39) - Um, well, I don't like working with people that are close minded. Yeah. You know, that. That aren't willing to go out on a limb and maybe operate a little bit outside of their comfort zone. You know, I really like working with people that are like, you know what? What I've been trying so far hasn't been working, so lay it on me. Like, what? What do you see as what's really holding me back? So that's really the biggest thing. If I get to work with somebody who's open minded versus just not not open to new ideas, we're golden.

Adam (00:37:20) - Yeah. Yeah, man. Yeah. Open minded, growth, growth minded. Someone who I like working with people like you who was I'm desperate and I'm looking to make some changes because I found that there's pain and pleasure, the care in the stick and I think people will do more to get away from the stick. I think people will do more to get rid of pain in the world than to chase pleasure.

Adam (00:37:45) - So I like you know, I love the work that you're doing, man, and it seems super, super cool. Um, let's do this for people who want some help finding their purpose. They're in a job that they're or a career that they, they would like to explore some other options and they want someone to kind of walk them through, someone to mirror their strengths back to them and help them see and build up their energy and see how good they really are. Where can people go to connect with you?

Josh (00:38:13) - Yeah, they can go to my website. It's Adam Hart and that's spelled H a r and they can check out my information, my services, my bio. And for anyone that feels ready, they can book a free career clarity call and we can take a few minutes to just understand where you're at. You know I like to walk people through an exercise. It's essentially a free coaching session where we're going to first talk about what is your desired reality, what would your ultimate life look like? And then we talk about your current reality.

Josh (00:38:54) - Where are you at right now? What does life feel like when you wake up in the morning and what's been keeping you stuck? What are the obstacles that you've been facing to break in through? And then from there I'll talk to them about, um, different ways for them to overcome those obstacles and achieve their desired result.

Adam (00:39:18) - Adam Hart. And that's during this interview. There's probably some questions that I should have asked you that I screwed up and did not ask you. What are those?

Josh (00:39:33) - One question would be, you know, do you have to change your career or get a new job in order to feel better? Right. Um. And the answer to that question is you actually don't. I just created this this whole new coaching program that has nothing to do with the job search because after years of helping people change their career, what I discovered was that, um, you know, two months into a four month engagement, things would click and they'd start to feel this passion and enthusiasm and confidence.

Josh (00:40:21) - And they didn't have their job or career yet, but they had the feeling that they've been after. So I've come to understand that it's actually not about the job or the career. It's about that feeling. It's about the story that you are telling yourself about your life. It's either my life sucks or my life is amazing, right? And you can tell this story so long as you're living a life and you're you're going in a direction that's amazing. So so that's what I want people to know, is that it's about the direction that you're heading in in life. It's not about the day to day reality.

Speaker 3 (00:41:05) - Mm hmm.

Adam (00:41:06) - Super cool, man. Adam, thanks for coming on the show. Fellow dudes in the audience, as always, reach out to our guests and say thanks for coming on the show and sharing their wisdom, their knowledge, their experience. If you need help connecting. Just reach out to me. You guys know where to find me. Uncensored Advice for men. If you have some advice that you'd like to share with some dudes, head on over uncensored advice for men, fill out a quick form and maybe we'll get you on the show next.

Adam (00:41:33) - I love you guys and this show is for you. If there's specific topics that you'd like to talk about, some questions that you have, let me know. I'll go out to my community, into the world and ask the questions that you guys want to hear. Till then, we'll talk to you guys on the next episode. See everybody.

Adam HardtProfile Photo

Adam Hardt

Career Coach

As a transformational career coach I am someone who has both experienced incredible failure in my career and has undergone a major transformation that has led me to discovering my purpose. For many years I suffered with anxiety and depression while in a thirteen year corporate career spanning two different roles that were equally bad fits for who I am. It culminated in a months long battle with debilitating repetitive stress injury that cause intense pain my forearms from doing work at the computer. It was at this time that I decided to quit my job and pursue a new career that was aligned with my passion for personal development and my talent for helping people that would also allow me to enjoy the freedom and autonomy that suits me best.

For nearly six years I have been helping men overcome many of the same struggles that I once had as a career coach. They came in the form of men who were desperate for a new job or a new career altogether because the ones they were in were often toxic and misaligned with their true talents and interests. At the start the work was all about helping them with a tactical job search but over time it has become more and more about helping them discover their purpose so that they could raise their energy to the point that their dream job would end up finding them.

After having lost my way as a coach and an entrepreneur over the course of the pandemic I decided, a year and a half ago, to move to Costa Rica and become a digital nomad. I have been on an intensive healing journey ever since quitting my corporate career in San Fra… Read More