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Adam Hardt

Career Coach

As a transformational career coach I am someone who has both experienced incredible failure in my career and has undergone a major transformation that has led me to discovering my purpose. For many years I suffered with anxiety and depression while in a thirteen year corporate career spanning two different roles that were equally bad fits for who I am. It culminated in a months long battle with debilitating repetitive stress injury that cause intense pain my forearms from doing work at the computer. It was at this time that I decided to quit my job and pursue a new career that was aligned with my passion for personal development and my talent for helping people that would also allow me to enjoy the freedom and autonomy that suits me best.

For nearly six years I have been helping men overcome many of the same struggles that I once had as a career coach. They came in the form of men who were desperate for a new job or a new career altogether because the ones they were in were often toxic and misaligned with their true talents and interests. At the start the work was all about helping them with a tactical job search but over time it has become more and more about helping them discover their purpose so that they could raise their energy to the point that their dream job would end up finding them.

After having lost my way as a coach and an entrepreneur over the course of the pandemic I decided, a year and a half ago, to move to Costa Rica and become a digital nomad. I have been on an intensive healing journey ever since quitting my corporate career in San Francisco and moving to San Diego in 2017. Costa Rica has given me the chance to expand and grow as a professional and as a person in so many ways as I've learned to embrace an entirely new lifestyle that is from living in alignment with nature, slowing down and enjoying life as part of a supportive expat community.

I have recently launched a new coaching program that came out of a nearly year long sabbatical in Costa Rica that has allowed me to be in full alignment with my passion for helping people experience their own personal transformations. In the Unlimited Prosperity program I work exclusively with helping people with raising their energy so that they can become magnetic to the success that they desire in life.

Aug. 9, 2023

How Do I Find My Dream Job with Adam Hardt

I'm thrilled to share with you the latest episode of our podcast, where I had the pleasure of hosting Adam, a life coach with an inspiring journey. This episode is a treasure trove of insights about finding purpose and the …

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