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Good Wood With Brian Ayers

Brian “Uncle B” Ayers is a men’s sexual performance coach with over 22 years
of experience. His research into men’s sexual health lead him to create the
Men’s Sexual Performance Scale and the revolutionary ESEIS 25 sexual health
program along with 2 books, How To Be A Better Lover In 30 Days or Less and
Go Hard.
Brian started his coaching journey as the
performance coach for African Fly, the liquid
aphrodisiac. After talking with 1000’s of
men he noted that some would have success
with African Fly while others would not. The
difference was in what they were doing to
supplement the supplement.
In 2019, Brian started sharing his knowledge on YouTube. He now has over
150k subscribers with 8.5 million minutes of watch time. He connects with
people by showing an easy way to build lifelong health without relying on
medications. He focuses on helping people build stronger relationships by
having superior health for a fulfilling sex life. Brian keeps the show funny,
engaging and very serious…like an Uncle is supposed to. He brings that same
energy to interviews as well.

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