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From The Desert To Navy Seal With JP Bolwahnn

Former Navy S.E.A.L. turned Life and Fitness Coach. Unlock the healthiest, most productive, and highly effective man within you.

his is my Story
After spending 13 years as a Navy SEAL and then venturing out into the civilian world, I found myself struggling to find balance as an entrepreneur and business owner.  My fitness, relationships, and or business were always struggling.     

If you have found yourself here, there is a good chance that you have been struggling with something similar. 

Learning to "live your best life" isn't easy.  Especially when we let the daily grind of being a MAN get a hold of us.  I'm passionate about living as a highly effective man and helping other men do the same.

Being highly effective begins with getting fit, being more productive, and learning strategies to become more powerful.  Maybe getting in shape has been an immense test of willpower, deprivation, and failure. You may have tried every diet under the sun, and maybe you have had a little success, but the weight you lost always manages to find its way back to you.

I will teach you with precision how to eat and how to live a life that excites you and with less stress.  I have seen men who have been beating themselves up for years, transform their relationship with food, their schedules, and how they show up in the world.  

I will help you unlock the highly effective man within you so that you can be healthy and live the life you always dreamed of. 

I’ve turned my transformation into an easy-to-follow coaching program that anyone can use to unlock the highly effective man within them and start enjoying life like never before.

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