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Facing the Blitz with Jeff Kemp

I'm excited to share with you some highlights from my recent podcast episode with Jeff Kemp, a former NFL player turned men's advocate.

šŸˆ From NFL Stardom to Life's Real Mission: Jeff's journey from the NFL to various career pivots is a testament to his resilience. His story of confronting his identity post-NFL is a powerful reminder that our worth isn't tied to our careers.

šŸ”„ Pivotal Moments & Perspective Shifts: Jeff's wife, Stacy, played a crucial role in shifting his perspective during a challenging time. Her reminder of their blessings and God's constant presence helped Jeff appreciate life beyond football.

šŸ™ Surrendering Control to God: Jeff's journey taught him the importance of surrendering control to God. He encourages us to let go of worldly attachments and recognize that God is the true owner of everything.

šŸŒŸ Finding Identity in Humility: Jeff's struggle with discontentment led him to a profound realization - his true identity lies in being a son of God. His book, Receive: The Way of Jesus for Men, explores this concept further.

šŸ¤ The Power of Level Five Friendships: Jeff emphasizes the importance of deep, honest friendships for men. His Level 5 Friendship Playbook is a fantastic resource for those looking to build such bonds.

šŸŽ§ Your Voice Matters: If you have a story to share or need assistance, don't hesitate to reach out. Visit to potentially be featured in a future episode.

I hope Jeff's story inspires you as much as it did me. Remember, our identity isn't tied to our careers or worldly success, but in being humble and finding our worth in God.

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