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Casey Cavell

CEO, Podcast Host, Husband, Father

Over the last two decades, I have founded, bought, or invested in two dozen small businesses, and on paper, it was a huge success, building a $40,000,000 portfolio from a $9,000 investment.

However, the business grew and operated out of my shill willpower and work ethic, eventually leading to burnout.

I had very little control over my time & spent my time-fighting fires and keeping an impression on the outside that I was okay.

I then learned how to build a business that didn't rely on me and implemented this proven process in each of my companies, efficiently removing myself from the day-to-day. As a result, the businesses performed better without me, allowing me time to do what truly matters.

Now, I utilize this same process in other people's businesses, which has allowed over 100 entrepreneurs to be removed from the daily grind and focus on what matters most.

Sept. 28, 2023

Chasing the Next Thing With Casey Cavell

I'm excited to share with you some insights from my recent podcast episode with Casey Cavell, a serial entrepreneur with a knack for scaling businesses. We had an enlightening conversation about his journey, the importance of...

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