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Nov. 9, 2020

The Happiness Formula

The Happiness Formula
What is the one main key point you need to share with the audience of men today on this show? (we only have 30 minutes): My happiness formulaShare examples of questions you like to be asked about this topic: What can people do to be happier. What are common marriage mistakes.Share Your Bio Here: Our next speaker is a world expert on relationships and happiness. He has coached some of the most famous celebrities on the planet like Mike Tyson, top athletes and CEO’s, as well being a guest speaker with Richard Branson on Necker Island. He enjoys helping people overcome obstacles that prevent them living a fulfilled life and has appeared on stages all over the world and recently was keynote speaker in Medellin in front of 10,000 raving fans. He has appeared at Harvard on a number of occasions and is a guest speaker on Fox news as well as best selling international author of Immediate Happiness. His Ted talk shares his Happiness Formula. If you want to have a dramatic impact on your life please welcome – MR ANIL GUPTAWhat links would you like to share with the audience? Ex: Web, email, LinkedIn, etc: