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Aug. 13, 2020

How To Quit Your Job Successfully

How To Quit Your Job Successfully
What is the one main key point you need to share with the audience of men today on this show? (we only have 30 minutes): Don't be afraid to leave your job. Share examples of questions you like to be asked about this topic: Tell me about a time you left a job (and it went poorly, or it went well). Tell me about a time someone you trained left a job and what went well or didn't. You've coached people through career transitions... Do you have an example of someone dealing with an overbearing boss or leaving a position gracefully? Share Your Bio Here: Eathan Janney is a Transformational Coach and co-host of the Run With It Business Podcast, which gives you business ideas from top CEO guests who share the actual action steps you can take to get started. As a coach, Eathan’s methods draw on his polymathic and non-traditional range of experiences, as PhD Neuroscientist who studied birdsong and a Piano Tuning Entrepreneur profiled in the Wall Street Journal. What links would you like to share with the audience? Ex: Web, email, LinkedIn, etc: (podcast) (coaching) the show (