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July 8, 2020

Bring Your Enthusiasm Back

Bring Your Enthusiasm Back

Alex Goldau talks about cutting out the BS and enjoying the little things about your job and your life that sets your soul on fire. Alex is a coach that helps people bring the fun back into their lives by being true to themselves and doing it their way. He's a surfer that loves the daily challenges of the ocean waves and no two days in the water are ever the same.Alex is a coach that helps people bring the fun back into their lives by being true to themselves and doing it their way. He's a surfer that loves the daily challenges of the ocean waves and no two days in the water are ever the same.What is the one main key point you need to share with the audience of men today on this show? (we only have 30 minutes): Exploring what excites you (finding your highest level of excitement)! From this creating what I call your "Non-Negotiables". From the new place of being we challenge ourselves with getting into vulnerable conversations.What links would you like to share with the audience? Ex: Web, email, LinkedIn, etc:www.alexgoldau.comcoachalexgoldau@gmail.com the show (

Alex GoldauProfile Photo

Alex Goldau

Leadership Coach

I help entrepreneurs/executives create that sense of fulfillment we’re all looking for. I help turn that fleeting sense of happiness we’ve experienced through “achievement” into a permanent daily experience.

The work begins by breaking out of the mold they’ve been stuck in for so long. Whatever that pattern or routine looks like. Then we work together to reconnect with their joy, passion, and purpose.

Certified coach with 20 years experience in the Hospitality/Trade show industry.
Coaching has fundamentally changed who I am with my family, my wife, my friends, myself, and the strangers I meet on the street.